Go For It! Family Program Seven Keys to Success that Teach You How to Empower Yourself and Your Family Judy Zerafa 9780983367109 Books

As parents and adult role models, we want our children to have fulfilling, happy, successful lives. We want what’s best for them, for ourselves, and for our communities. How many times have you told your child…or yourself to Change your attitude! Believe in yourself! Get rid of that habit! Make wise choices! Set a goal! Be creative! Hang in there! This is what we tell ourselves and our children to do. But where did we learn how to do it? Did anybody ever teach you exactly how to change your attitude when it was negative? Did anyone ever explain to you exactly how to believe in yourself, erase self-defeating behaviors, make wise choices, set and achieve goals, use your creative imagination, and be persistent? Most of us make enough mistakes and face enough challenges on our way to adulthood that we develop a haphazard trial-and-error understanding of what it takes to be successful in life, or at least to avoid constant failure. As a result, because that understanding lacks a solid base of teachable knowledge and skills, our lives tend to be a tale of ups and downs. Is that all we want for ourselves and our families? The strategies and practices in this book have been developed and tested in the laboratory of many hundreds of classrooms, homes, professional organizations and corporations for nearly three decades. The Seven Keys to Success were uncovered in the early 1980s during interviews with 35 of the most successful Americans, all of them recipients of the prestigious Horatio Alger Award; among them are William Dearden, CEO of the Hershey Corporation, and Dorothy L. Brown, MD, the first African-American woman surgeon. The Seven Keys also have a solid connection to three decades of scientific evidence fundamental to the School of Positive Psychology. The GO FOR IT! Family Program delivers rock-solid how-to instructions for making the Seven Keys to Success fundamental… and lasting… in the lives of everyone in your family. Your understanding, practice and teaching of these Keys will make your children’s lives, and your life, easier and better… Now is the time to GO FOR IT!
Go For It! Family Program Seven Keys to Success that Teach You How to Empower Yourself and Your Family Judy Zerafa 9780983367109 Books
If you don't know Judy Zerafa you should. She is a latter day Napoleon Hill. Several years ago, she got interested in the subject of life success. In order to learn as much as she could, she interviewed 35 Horatio Alger Award Winners asking them one question:"What do you think you know that you think no one else knows that has allowed you to succeed to the degree for which you've been honored?"
The people she interviewed were a diverse group. Among them were: Hank Aaron and Wayne Gretzky from the world of sports, Buzz Aldrin the astronaut, Phil Anschutz, a businessman and philanthropist, Tom Brokaw and Ted Turner from media, Denzel Washington and Tom Selleck the actors, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.
She parsed their responses into what she calls The Seven Keys to Success...
* A Positive Attitude
* Belief in One's Self
* Positive Habits
* Wise Choices
* Setting and Achieving Goals
* Using Creative Imagination
* Persistence
She took these seven principles and developed specific guidelines for applying each of them in daily life, calling it the Go For It! program. Schools and school districts began teaching the seven keys to success and the Go For It! Institute was born.
Judy realized that schools cannot, and should not, do it all when it comes to helping kids succeed. She believes that families play an important role in the development of children. In the introduction to the Go For It! Family Program she says, "The family has always been - and always will be - the cornerstone of society." She wrote the Go For It! Family Program to help parents apply the seven keys to success in their own lives and to help their children use them to create their own bright futures. I picked up a copy on Amazon.com and really enjoyed reading it.
I think this book is a win - win. If you get a copy, read it and apply the ideas within, you'll be helping yourself create the career success you deserve. You'll also be able to help your kids get a head start in life.
I am the Common Sense Guy. I help people create their career success by applying their common sense. When I look at Judy Zerafa's Seven Keys to Success, I see common sense: be positive, believe in yourself, develop positive habits, make smart choices, set and achieve high goals, use your imagination, be persistent.
If you apply these ideas in your life and career, you'll succeed. If you help your kids learn and apply them, you'll be giving them a leg up on success. Judy's book is well organized. She discusses each of the seven keys in a separate chapter. Then she provides an anecdote that illustrates each key. She follows this up with suggested family activities for each key.
I like this approach. Judy notes that the seven keys can seem like platitudes. Afterall, have you ever had anybody suggest that you should have a bad attitude? So she does her best to provide readers with specific ideas on how to apply each key in their daily life. In other words, this book tells you not only what to do, but how to do it.
And, as I've mentioned, I really like the dual focus of the Go For It! Family Program. You can apply the ideas to help you build your career success. You can help your kids apply the ideas to give them a solid start on their road to success. You might even learn a few things from your kids along the way. Kids do have a habit of pointing out the truth.
So do yourself and your kids a favor. Pick up a copy of the Go For It! Family Program. Read it, apply the ideas within and you'll be turbocharging your life and career and jumpstarting your kids' success in this life.
Product details

Tags : Go For It! Family Program: Seven Keys to Success that Teach You How to Empower Yourself and Your Family [Judy Zerafa] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As parents and adult role models, we want our children to have fulfilling, happy, successful lives. We want what’s best for them,Judy Zerafa,Go For It! Family Program: Seven Keys to Success that Teach You How to Empower Yourself and Your Family,Go For It Institute,0983367108,SELF-HELP Personal Growth Success
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Go For It! Family Program Seven Keys to Success that Teach You How to Empower Yourself and Your Family Judy Zerafa 9780983367109 Books Reviews
This book is well written and the information is based on interviews done by the author with over 30 Horatio Alger award winners. From those interviews seven keys to success were identified. The book devotes a chapter to each key. What sets this book and information apart from all other success programs are the "how to" tools presented with each key. While maintaining a positive attitude is a common theme across success programs, this book gives 4 very concrete steps for checking your attitude and 4 steps for taking charge and changing your attitude from negative to positive. Similiar "how to" tools are presented for each of the 7 keys. The beauty of this program is that young children as well as adults can learn and use the tools. Zerafa has tailored this book toward using her seven keys to create healthy and functional family dynamics. Family activities supporting the keys are provided at the end of each chapter. If you want some simple but powerful tools that you can apply immediately this is the book for you. It's a sure bet that if your family works through this material together you will become stronger both individually and as a family unit. THIS ONE IS A KEEPER!
An outstanding book for parents and grandparents. It will soon be in the hands for my children to someday share with their children. Don't wait..Go For It!..
Well written using concrete examples of how you can take control of your life using steps that are easy to follow and not burdensome. The stories of how individuals have succeeded using Zarafa's concepts are wonderful and make you want to begin the process. Well worth the time you will invest.
Judy offers awealth of experience and not just one but seven keys to personal and family success. It is a positive, life affirming book and will change the landscape of your family... if you dare to be better.
A friend reccommended this book to me and it has been a great tool that I keep beside my bed when I need a shot of motivation and inspiration to be my best as a parent. I must admit, I have not had the time to do the program the way it suggests, however, I have found that the information is organized in useful chunks so that I can get a good boost everytime I pick it up and read for even 15 minutes.
Whenever I read a chapter, I can see and feel an improvement in my attitude and perspective.
Judy offers some very interesting and novel ways of looking at things. I especially like the action element of the book. Instead of just thinking about things, she encourages you to write it down-commit to your goals! At some point I would love to do the program in order. Perhaps we can do it during a summer, or certainly if things ever reach a particularly negative or strained place in my household, I will prioritize the program. In the meantime, I find it to be a very user friendly and easily accessable resource that I can use to help stay on the positive and well intentioned path.
If you don't know Judy Zerafa you should. She is a latter day Napoleon Hill. Several years ago, she got interested in the subject of life success. In order to learn as much as she could, she interviewed 35 Horatio Alger Award Winners asking them one question
"What do you think you know that you think no one else knows that has allowed you to succeed to the degree for which you've been honored?"
The people she interviewed were a diverse group. Among them were Hank Aaron and Wayne Gretzky from the world of sports, Buzz Aldrin the astronaut, Phil Anschutz, a businessman and philanthropist, Tom Brokaw and Ted Turner from media, Denzel Washington and Tom Selleck the actors, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.
She parsed their responses into what she calls The Seven Keys to Success...
* A Positive Attitude
* Belief in One's Self
* Positive Habits
* Wise Choices
* Setting and Achieving Goals
* Using Creative Imagination
* Persistence
She took these seven principles and developed specific guidelines for applying each of them in daily life, calling it the Go For It! program. Schools and school districts began teaching the seven keys to success and the Go For It! Institute was born.
Judy realized that schools cannot, and should not, do it all when it comes to helping kids succeed. She believes that families play an important role in the development of children. In the introduction to the Go For It! Family Program she says, "The family has always been - and always will be - the cornerstone of society." She wrote the Go For It! Family Program to help parents apply the seven keys to success in their own lives and to help their children use them to create their own bright futures. I picked up a copy on and really enjoyed reading it.
I think this book is a win - win. If you get a copy, read it and apply the ideas within, you'll be helping yourself create the career success you deserve. You'll also be able to help your kids get a head start in life.
I am the Common Sense Guy. I help people create their career success by applying their common sense. When I look at Judy Zerafa's Seven Keys to Success, I see common sense be positive, believe in yourself, develop positive habits, make smart choices, set and achieve high goals, use your imagination, be persistent.
If you apply these ideas in your life and career, you'll succeed. If you help your kids learn and apply them, you'll be giving them a leg up on success. Judy's book is well organized. She discusses each of the seven keys in a separate chapter. Then she provides an anecdote that illustrates each key. She follows this up with suggested family activities for each key.
I like this approach. Judy notes that the seven keys can seem like platitudes. Afterall, have you ever had anybody suggest that you should have a bad attitude? So she does her best to provide readers with specific ideas on how to apply each key in their daily life. In other words, this book tells you not only what to do, but how to do it.
And, as I've mentioned, I really like the dual focus of the Go For It! Family Program. You can apply the ideas to help you build your career success. You can help your kids apply the ideas to give them a solid start on their road to success. You might even learn a few things from your kids along the way. Kids do have a habit of pointing out the truth.
So do yourself and your kids a favor. Pick up a copy of the Go For It! Family Program. Read it, apply the ideas within and you'll be turbocharging your life and career and jumpstarting your kids' success in this life.

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